
About your company. What do you do?
Basically we specialize in providing accurate and constantly updated biographical profiles about meritorious persons written in an easy-to-read format. The biographies are simple, short and precise. Names are listed alphabetically for simplicity and speed in locating.

Are you affiliated with any other similar organization?
We are not affiliated with any other Who’s Who organization or titles by way of collaboration or otherwise.

I have received this biographical data form. How did you get my name? What do I do?
It means either your name has been recommended to us as a potential candidate for inclusion in one of our titles either by a subscriber, a well-meaning person or by our own research staff. The form is basically used to determine if your name is eligible for inclusion. Depending on whether you are interested in the project you are required to fill in the necessary details and send it back to us. There is neither duress nor obligation on your part to comply; it is purely voluntary. If the form is not returned we will understand and take the matter no further. On the other hand, upon receipt of the filled-in data our editors will review the information and if you are qualified for inclusion we will get in touch with you.

Why do I have to give personal information?
Our aim is to provide recognition, exposure and publicity based upon personal accomplishments by providing accurate and total information, and that in the main can come only from the prospective subscriber. Needless to say the information will be treated with total respect and confidentiality.

Are your charges in US or Indian Currency?

Are the biographies featured available in languages other than English?
Presently available only in English.